Frequently Asked Questions

Real Questions We’ve Been Asked

Some FAQs

Unlike many FAQs, this page actually lists questions we’ve been asked, rather than made-up questions so we can tell you how wonderful we are!

Hopefully you’ll be able to find answers to questions that you really want to ask. If not, contact us and we’ll respond as quickly as possible.


As much as we’d like you give you a cost here and now, unfortunately it’s impossible to give an actual figure or even a meaningful estimate as it entirely depends on your requirements. What we can say is that we offer a no-obligation, free estimate once we have an outline of your needs, to give you an idea of the typical investment required.

Depending on our current work schedule when your project is confirmed, generally development of a new web site starts within 1-2 weeks of your decision to proceed. Typically, it then takes 4-6 weeks to build from start to finish, even though we’ve developed and launched urgent new sites within three days in the past!  All agreed time frames are dependent on timely provision of content from the client once the project commences and and quick feedback during the on-going design.

After consultation with you to determine your design and layout preferences and before we start to build your new web site, we’ll show you a working demo of your new site design style and layout, to give you a good idea of how it will look and work. You can give us feedback and nothing proceeds until you’re happy.

Yes, absolutely. Your ‘mobile-friendly’ web site will be designed to be ‘responsive’ to enable easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning and scrolling, across a wide range of devices, whether it be mobile, tablet, laptop or desktop.

This effectively means that the same web site adapts its layout to suit all platforms, without the need for dedicated sites designed specifically to the proportions of each viewing device. We do not charge extra for this, unlike some web designers.

We will listen to our clients and take the time to understand both their business and their aims. But you have to provide us with the content – after all, you know your business better than we do! However, we do edit and re-present your content to make it ‘search-engine friendly’ where necessary.

Yes. Many businesses and organisations have confirmed all they want included in their web site or just want to test the market first, before upgrading later to a more complex web site. Starting with a small web site is frequently the way to begin. Rest assured, your web site will be created to be extendible at any time in the future, both in content and functionality, so there’s no ‘closed doors’ on later development!

How a site ranks in Google (which accounts for over 90% of all internet web searches) is determined by many factors, most under our control. Red Rhino has extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of how to carry out Search Engine Optimisation and the results obtained for clients prove the ‘first-page’ successes we have achieved.

If you want your web site to appear as Number 1 in Google for a common, generic phrase that thousands of other web site are already chasing, your web site isn’t going to rank highly. However, if we are smart and carefully Search Engine Optimise your web site for targeted keyword searches to suit your needs, you have a much greater chance of a Top 3 ranking in Google for your site. Many of our existing clients already enjoy Top 3 rankings for their chosen keywords and key-phrases.

No-one should ever guarantee that your site will rank well, and neither do we, but we feel that the experience we have and understanding of what works and what doesn’t, would put us in a better position than most to maximise your search engine returns.

Your site will include an integrated Content Management System so you can update the web site yourself at any time, via a passworded log-in Control Panel using your normal browser.

You can supply the photographs, or we can obtain stock photography on your behalf, at little or no cost. It’s very important that visitors have a good first impression when visiting your web site, so we highly recommend home page photos are of a high quality, best obtained from stock libraries or taken for you by a professional photographer.

Absolutely not! We have an all-inclusive pricing policy (we don’t charge by the hour, so no runaway budgets) and we quote fairly based on the work required. You’ll get clear quotes for work and no additional expenditure will be incurred for extra requested work, without your approval. All this means there’s no out-of-control budgets nor unwelcome surprises when it comes to paying!

Possibly. If you are willing to share your budget with us up-front, we will quickly and honestly tell you if your budget is reasonable for what you require. If there’s any parts of your specification which take up a proportionally high amount of your budget, we will advise accordingly and this functionality can possibly be deferred until a future update when funds are available for future development.


Absolutely – we can register your domain now and set it up so that you can use it for email immediately. We have quite a few clients with domains reserved for later. All domain names are registered with the client as the legal domain owner. The web site can then be designed when you are ready. Even if you decide later, for whatever reason, that you want someone else to design your web site, we can transfer or redirect the domain to your new web host.

You should certainly register the name you will be trading under on the web. That is probably your company, business or organisation name. For protection, you should probably also register any brand names that you have, especially if you haven’t trademarked them or if they are generic words that you can’t trademark. We can advise on what the best domain name is to register, using a wide range of selection criteria. We’ll then search for availability and carry out the domain name registration as well. All domain names are registered with the client as the legal domain owner.

Yes, of course. We can arrange for it to be transferred to our management control or redirected to our web server so we can set it up for your web site and email. We’ll sort it out.


Yes. Red Rhino focuses on offering an unsurpassable level of customer service and ongoing support. We agree an Annual Support programme for all client web sites, which includes ongoing technical and general support by phone and email, frequent updates of all server and site CMS software and daily web site backups.

Red Rhino understands that a rapid response to make changes to your web site or a request for technical support can be critical to your site’s operation and so we commit to strict Service Level Response Times.

Yes. We can provide a training on the operation of the CMS via phone, or as a ‘one-to-one’ training session in your office, if required.

Yes. If you don’t want to have to update the site yourself, we can agree a Maintenance Plan to make updates for you, either on an occasional or regular pre-planned basis.


While we can embed your latest social media posts and updates on your web site, and add links to these as well, we do not manage and/or update your actual Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn accounts.

We are in the fortunate position that our services are in constantly in demand and unfortunately we don’t have the available resources to discuss every potential new project face-to-face, either in your office or at our office. We are happy to discuss your project by phone/email and give you an indicative, no-obligation, free estimate. However, once you commit to proceeding, we’re happy to meet up to discuss the project, if this is essential.

The most common question we are asked, even more than “How much will it cost?”!

The name “Red Rhino” was inspired by a series of books called “The Rhino Books” by Scott Alexander. These are short, easy to read motivational books which will help you achieve a better balance in the six major areas of your life – Financial, Work, Physical, Family, Social and Spiritual. Check out “Rhinoceros Success” on Amazon, become a Rhino and CHARGE!

Any Other Questions?

If you’ve any questions, or are just interested in discussing a new project, we’d love to hear from you.